Google Adwords is one of the fastest ways you can market your products and services, it is the perfect solution to small and medium business having a tight advertisement budget. You can, in a matter of minutes set up Adwords campaign and start reaping the benefits in a matter of days. So what are Adwords and how do they work? Well AdWords are small pay per click ads that appear on the Google search result page. AdWords are small image or text based ads that appear on the right hand side of the search page, these ads appear on the search results page whenever people are looking for certain information on the search engines.
Setting up a pay per click AdWords account on Google is simple but there are a few tips and tactics that should be followed. There are people who can set up a Google AdWords account even in their sleep, however that is fraught with danger as once monotony sets in you get complacent. Some, however find setting up a Google adword campaign challenging. In this article we will discuss a few simple strategies you can use while setting up a Google AdWords account. These tips will help you create ads that generate more clicks at relatively lower cost per click.
Define and redefine your keyphrases and keywords carefully. Use brackets “[.......]” around your keyphrases and keywords. For example [ roofing] and [ tin roofs]. This will result in your ad showing only when someone is looking for roofing and tin roofing and not show up when someone is looking for flat roofs or asphalt roofs. This means that your ads show up on the search result pages only when someone is looking for roofing solutions or tin roofing, this gives you a targeted audience.
Advertise only the benefits of your product and services. The ads should be eye catching and should be able to hold the readers attention for a certain period of time. Generic description like “we are the leaders in...” do not impress people although such terms are loved by advertisers. Instead highlight a major benefit users will get by clicking on the ad or using your product and service. For example “Save $200” “loose 20 pounds” or “live longer” so on and so forth. Starting a headline with action words such as “New” or “Free” is also highly effective.
Avoid unnecessary and common words such as “a, an, on, of, it etc“, try and use your products USP and mention how the consumer stands to gain by using your service or product.
Make the ad interesting by using encouraging and emotion evoking keywords, the attention span of surfers is too short and they get bored easily using power words such as “great, unbelievable, never before” keep the surfers interested. Other words that incite action such as “call now”, “ limited days left”, “save up to 60%” are also attention grabbing. However be careful with power words, lest Google rejects your ads.
Test and retest your different ads to know which ads generate good response. Once a powerful ad is discovered then replace the weaker ads with the powerful ad.
The more targeted your ad the higher returns you get. Search engines highlight your keywords and key phrases, this amplifies your keyword power and users get attracted to them.
Link all your ads to landing pages on your website. In this day where time is at a premium people want specific information or service and don't generally have the time to read long product descriptions. Include only relevant and useful information in your ads and landing pages.
Track your ads and see which ads are generating actual business, keep a close watch on the conversion ratio of each ad. This will ensure that non performing ads don't waste your money and your return on investment is maximized.
When marketing international services include all the countries where the language is spoken such as North America, Australia, England and so on.
Including the price will weed out casual visitors, however this will reduce the click ratio it will surely increase the conversion rate.
Hopefully these few tips will help you, however, there are many other strategies and tips that you will learn as you go about setting up an Google adword account.
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